It has been aptly remarked that a reseller dealing with web hosting can really be a highly profitable business. For a trivial investment on a monthly basis, you may easily fetch enough disk space and bandwidth in order to host multiple domains for clients as well as for yourself. Most of the web hosting company comprise of reseller plans to be used.
What Is The Job Of A Web Hosting Reseller?
As you will notice that your business scale is going up. You may easily go with a dedicated server plan to make full usage of resources and configuration. The job of a web hosting in Kolkata is to split up the bandwidth and disk space for which you will be paying small amounts which is reselling to other clients.
In case the total amount you get paid for smaller chunks is more than that you paid for total, then you may be making a profit each and every month for customers you have. The number of customers is directly proportional to the profit you make. If you as a web hosting providers get a single customer a week, then you will be a holder of 52 customers which will be more than what you pay.
Plan – Can Be Used For Multipurpose Accounts
You will get more than a week and it will soon mount up. You may use the plan for yourself and host multiple domain names for yourself and build lots of mini-sites around various niches in order to earn a monthly profit from each and every domain. Depending on our web host you sell along with the support and issues taken care of, it depends what you pay for and what you as a linux web hosting providers are prepared to do.
Your web host may also include design and programming skills that can be sold on along with other tools your customers may desire like web conference rooms. It is better to get familiar with control panel of your web hosting services account before moving up to a committed server. Or else you may be beaten in terms of time and money while you go through a learning curve.
Performing Of Vital Actions
Most of the time people use to perform two vital things that include creating cum deleting of accounts that are very much easy with web hosting India Manager and C panel accounts along with allocating the total amount of disk space and bandwidth to separate accounts. This is usually zilch more than inputting a value and striking the save button. Automated scripts can easily take care of the rest parts.
As a web hosting reseller you may also have a virtual server to share with their users. You may even request your web hosting company to get to know about various choices available along with the total number of accounts to host for a given amount of space and bandwidth. Also, you need to check your web host regarding support, some will provide on behalf of you and some will expect you to look after your own customers especially you have a dedicated server.
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