There are possibilities for choosing a free Web Hosting service as well as a commercial Web Hosting Service. There are advantages and disadvantages in both these options. The cut-throat competition in the Web Hosting Market has forced the Hosting service providers to come up with innovative offers and free web hosting providers in Kolkata are also coming up with various attractive features which are difficult to ignore.
This is all the more important that Web Hosting Service which is offered is free. The cost of investment being zero, many entrepreneurs and individuals prefer to have a free web hosting services in Kolkata. However, before you rush to take your decision, it is suggested that you should give a patient thought about your choice. So let us look into the details of the offers expected and the pitfalls also.
Advertising In Your Website:
As a general practice, most free Web Hosting Services launch the huge advertisement on the Website of their customers. It will be difficult for the free Web Hosting services to recover their cost without the advertisement campaigns. Some linux web hosting company in Kolkata will make you place a suitable banner on your Website page, while other may want you to place a pop-up window where an advertisement will pop up every now and then. There will be others who will place an advertising frame on your Website. It is difficult to choose which one is better. While some people may hate a pop-up window, there will be other Web Masters who may not like the idea of stuffing their Websites with banner codes. It may be very difficult for some individuals to tolerate an advertising frame.
Therefore, while choosing a free Web Hosting Service, you have to select the advertisement option of your Web Hosting provider which matches with your liking. Please remember, if the advertisement campaign launched by the linux web hosting providers in Kolkata is not viable, and the Host is not able to recover the cost of running the server, the Hosting service may be closed without intimation and the occurrence of this type of incidence is very high.
Check The Web Space a Hosting Service is Providing:
The disk space what a free Web Hosting company is providing is a very important factor for selecting the service. The free Web Hosting in Kolkata normally offer a limited disk space. If your Website is having a lot of pages you may face difficulty in loading the pages. Also, you should check for the provision of up gradation facility for your Website as if this is not available, it will not be possible for you to expand your Business by promoting more brands and opening more pages in your Website.
What File Transfer Protocol You Are Getting?
The FTP is a widely accepted File Transfer protocol. This allows the owner of the Website to transfer Web pages and files to the Web Host’s site. This is very important to increase the performance and look of the Website. This may be a restriction in case of free Web Hosting service which may allow you to only use online Web Builder to change anything on the Website. Therefore FTP access should be considered a high priority for selection of a unlimited web hosting company in Kolkata. If you do not have the FTP access, you should at least get the facility for upload pages through your Browser or email.
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