You will get a lot of articles published online about Web Hosting. You might have gone through many of these articles and have outlined an action plan for selecting a linux web hosting company in Kolkata. However, there are many things which might be not written in these articles and most of the articles you will find to be repetitive in nature. There are some valuable points which you should consider while selecting a Web Hosting service. This article has made an effort for producing these important points to you.
You may ignore the Disk Space and the Data transfer capacity at the beginning:
You must have noticed the importance given on Disk Space as well as the capacity for the Data Transfer, in several articles. However, for a new entrant, these factors are hardly meaningful. You should know that when Web Hosting providers declare unlimited storage space and data transfer capabilities in the Shared Web Hosting service, this is simply a gimmick made to attract customers. In fact, the users using this service get sufficient storage space and data transferability when they start their online activity. An Unlimited Hosting account is limited by the RAM and the power of the processor. Moreover, the bandwidth and the storage space will not matter much in today’s context. This is because most of the image files can now be stored in Flickr and the documents can be stored in Google Doc, while the videos can be loaded in Vimeo or YouTube, etc. Therefore, it is not really needed to care much about the storage and the bandwidth offered by a unlimited web hosting company in Kolkata.
What e-commerce features are being offered:
This is an important feature which you should consider very seriously while choosing a Host for your Website. If you are running an e-commerce Website or if you are using shopping cart software, or if you want to make regular business transactions in your Website, you need to check with your web hosting providers in Kolkata whether he will provide you with sufficient features of e-commerce. Also if you need to have the technical support you should give stress on finding the same from your provider. Please check whether the Web Hosting service provider will provide SSL certification, shopping cart software, the dedicated IP, etc in the plan.
Look for an easy to use the control panel in the hosting service:
It is very important to have a user-friendly as well as a functional plan from the web hosting services in Kolkata provider. If the control panel is inadequate and is not user-friendly with sufficient functions, you will have to depend on the technical support team of the Web Hosting provider all the time. Even for making small changes in the server, you will have to be at the mercy of the Hosting services. Therefore, you should check this facility before giving your verdict for a particular Hosting service.
Check the limitations of the account suspension:
There are cases when accounts with some Web Hosting Companies have been suspended due to using of too much CPU power, or for violating certain rules, etc. Therefore, it is advised that you should know the limits of your account before signing up on a particular Web Hosting company in Kolkata. Your Web Hosting provider should be transparent about all the rules and should explain to you the details of the functioning of the Website.
You Can Also Read – What are the ways to choose a Web Hosting Service?
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