The subject of website design is ever evolving. There has been continuous development for bringing new concept in website design. One needs to stay updated regarding the latest concepts and suitably incorporate the relevant developments related to a particular Website to make the website design more competitive and attractive. Here we will focus on one particular development which can play a quite prominent role in the website design.
The Technique Of Image Caption:
The image captions are often considered as function and it has been seldom considered as a form. The stress has been given on identification of the image or including the proper credit for the photo. No further thought process has gone into the image captioning subject.
However, the image captioning if properly used can give a unique insight of your web design Kolkata. It is a great place to add more styles. And make your Website look brilliant. Irrespective of the type of website design, the image captioning present a wonderful opportunity to reinforce the Website Design making process and can further help to fine tune a great design of Website. The visual interest in a Website can be greatly enhanced by selecting the proper image captioning method. For example, a proper image captioning can make a distinguishing trademark for a particular type of brand or it can become a trademark for a Website also.
Major Types Of Image Captioning:
There are two most important types of image captioning in web design services. The first one is the simple and minimalist style or down to business style. The second major style of image captioning is Graphic Style which includes effects for the designing.
The website design company, who are making a website design, use varieties of approaches to generate styles of image captioning. Lighter colour on a dark background is very popularly used. The font size which is used for image captioning is normally smaller than the body copy while italics are mostly preferred for making image captions. Let us try to be a bit detail regarding the different image captioning.
The Simple And Minimalist Type Of Image Captions:
This type of image captions generally uses sans-serif fonts and the colour is selected normally in white, or shades of gray or black. Positioning of the image captions are generally done either below the images or at the side of the images. However, sometimes the positioning is done above the images also. This type of image captions are mostly used in news website design, however the use are also seen in other types of ecommerce website development including portfolio websites. This type of image captions if properly used can make a website design look really elegant however, if it is not integrated properly, it runs the danger of looking a very simple and boring website design.
The Graphic Image Captioning:
The other type of image captioning which is also very popular for website making company is Graphic image captions. In this type of image captions, use of colours is more prominent. The images have overlaying of captions on them many times. The bolder shapes and brighter colours of the Graphic image captions make them stand apart. These images captions are mostly used in portfolio Websites, for the designer and the ad agencies. This type of captioning use mainly lime green, hot pink or electric blue colours for making the image captions.
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