This article will try to provide you a basic concept of ecommerce web hosting in Kolkata. The concept of Web Hosting should be made clear if you are thinking to launch a new website to take advantage of the tremendous boom on the internet in recent times. The many questions which a beginner will like to know the answer are being tried to explain in the following paragraphs.
What is a Web Hosting?
The term Web Hosting means to facilitate the availability of a Website for viewing by other people across the geographical boundaries. The Website which is going to be launched by you may contain videos, texts, images and various other contents which the people will like to watch. But watching your Website will only be possible if your Website is available on the internet. Making available on the internet will not be the last thing you need to do. You have to make available enormous space to keep the huge data your Website will likely be having. Also, the data should be able to be retrieved at will and easily at any time irrespective of day and night. To make it happen, there should be a huge space available and also there should be high-speed internet connectivity available. All these facilities are provided by a Web Server which will be able to host your Website effectively and carry out the tasks assigned to it. This type of service is called web hosting services in Kolkata.
The definition of a Web Server:
The Web Server is nothing but a huge computer having enough storage space and serves your Website whenever the service is sought from it. The specification of the Web Servers is very high and these Web Servers are supported with high-speed internet links. The Web Hosting Companies have Web Servers of their own. The windows web hosting company in Kolkata rent a space of their Web Servers to the customers who want their Web Sites to be hosted and provides all sorts of services to make your Web Hosting Service pleasurable and smooth.
The definition of a Web Host:
The company or person who has Server of its own and rents out space from the server for Web Hosting can be termed as a Web Host. There are cases when a Web Host does not own a server. He takes a server on rent from a large Web Hosting Company and further resells suitable spaces to the clients using his own brand name, This type of web hosting providers in Kolkata is known as Web Hosting Reselling Service and these type of Web Hosts are named as Web Resellers.
The large Web Hosting companies may sometimes own their own data centres which are nothing but a collection of servers. The Data centres are having high-security protection and it has the capability of hosting several websites at a time. This Web Hosting service provides not only space for Web Hosting in Kolkata but also other types of services like backups of data and maintenance and software related to the applications used in the Websites.
Services that are provided by the Web Hosting Companies:
There are various other services which are of very important nature is also provided by the reputed unlimited web hosting company in Kolkata apart from their basic tasks of Web Hosting. Sometimes the companies provide tools to make an effective design of your Website. Also, they come up with offers of different types of servers to you which according to the activities of your Website, you should select very judiciously.
You Can Also Read – The important roles which a Web Hosting Service Provider play for the functioning of your Website.
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